Saturday, December 31, 2011

Painting Stories #14

What I got:

Its fingertips rest on her forehead, leaving a thin imprint and the memories emerge. Greedy for her thoughts, for the recall of moments that are the crux of the girl, It noshes and tears through childhood- smiling at the sound of a leg breaking, at the ache of baby teeth loosening- then invading her adolescence- the piercing sting of rejection, of awkwardness, of a body plunging onward with curves and swells into womanhood.


Heather said...

Wow, that was unexpected. Fantastic, but unexpected! Well done.

TS Tate said...

Thanks, hon

YelenaC said...

Wow, that is chilling. Nicely done!

Also, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can find the post here:

TS Tate said...

Thanks, Yelena! You rock!